بازرگانی اردیبهشت | اولین وارد کننده تجهیزات طب سوزنی و بنیانگذار انجمن طب سوزنی ایران

اولین وارد کننده تجهیزات طب سوزنی و بنیانگذار انجمن طب سوزنی ایران

Magnet with four ringsمگنت چهار حلقه

A high-intensity action on the correspondence areas with the aid of the two-colour multiringed magnet is achieved due to the increased number of heteropolar magnetic rings. This magnet could be applied for remedial purposes in the body part of any size. To this effect, the required number of rings should be adjusted.

With the intermediate rings taken off, the interaction between the central magnet and the peripheral magnetic ring will bring about the effect of energy concentration or dispersion. In order to achieve a dispersive effect, a ring magnet coloured yellow should be on top taken a point-contact white magnet in the centre. To have a concentrating effect, in the centre of the ring-shaped white magnet there should be installed a magnet marked with yellow. The availability of rings of different diameters allows to adjust the required size of a ring in each particular case.